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Managing Tenants

The top priority of any landlord is to have the rents come in a timely fashion.

Human nature being what it is, if not insisted upon, payments due on the first of the month

will get later and later.

We strictly monitor to ensure that arrears don't accumulate.Tenants have many options to make rent payments including automated bank transfers.

We have the knowledge and resources to quickly and legally navigate the housing court system to remove problem or delinquent tenants.



Setting the right rental rate: conduct market studies in local and adjacent neighborhoods to keep track of quarterly and yearly rate increases or decreases to stay both current and competitive.


Online listings via Craigslist, etc. We create an attractive photo gallery and ad copy, highlighting the benefits of the apartment, neighborhood, attractions, and amenities.

PRE-SCREENING: All inquiries are prescreened before the showing is scheduled. This ensures an applicant does qualify to rent the apartment. It typically requires three times the rent for income. Additionally using state housing guidelines to avoid having too many tenants in a unit.

SHOWING: We schedule evening and weekend show times. If a tenant currently resides in the unit we will coordinate suitable times with them. 

IDENTITY:  Making sure prospective tenant is who they say they are. We verify date of birth, social security number and driver's license, etc.

VERIFICATION: Current living situation. Verify current address, length of tenancy, amount of rent paid, check with the current landlord and previous landlords.

QUALIFY:  Employment and income. Contact current and former employers and check pay statements. A stable employee is usually a stable tenant.

BACKGROUND CHECKS: We check arrest records, housing court records and social media for red flags.

Mantis Property Management LLC / 508.498.8551 

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